August 24th Satsang: "2025: Ascension, Solar Flash, Global Awakening & Rapture?!"
Please join us on Saturday August 24th at 11 am PST for a special Satsang!
In this Satsang we will explore the ideas of Ascension, the Solar Flash and the End Times. What this idea boils down to is that the “global awakening” we are all expecting in some form is going to get an unexpected boost from cosmic or divine sources.
Looking at the situation in the world today, which looks to be going from bad to worst to the worst it’s ever been, logically there is no evidence for such a belief.
However, even though it flies against logic, we are going to talk about how such a a global spiritual Event could happen, what it might be like and how it could happen as soon as March 21, 2025!
In our book “1000” published in 2014, based on the LOC trend of the planet, we predicted that in 2020 the “shit would hit the fan.” We have tracked the planetary LOC since 2014. It is now on the verge of going to LOC 1000. We will explain what this means and how it is impacting all the people on the planet in detail in the Satsang.
We have talked about the impending global awakening many times. As you no doubt have noticed, everything is accelerating and it really looks like it’s all headed towards some sort of massive climax.
Logical negative thinkers will anticipate global war, perhaps World War 3. But we are saying that this climax, precipitated out of necessity, could instead be just the spiritual intervention that the human race needs in order to survive, thrive and even finally achieve peace on earth.
Since we are now convinced that this global spiritual breakthrough could happen as soon as early 2025, we want to make sure that we give you plenty of time to prepare in whatever way you see fit.
Together let us take advantage of the Satsang group’s collective love power. Please join us in sharing and enjoying the energy of this very special group of beautiful awakened and awakening men and women.
We can’t wait to see you all.
Love and Light, Ramaji and Ananda